Career page and job offers - Cembra Money Bank AG


At Cembra, you will always experience unique moments. Would you like a taste?


Here you go 😃


Truly different videos

Not Oscar-worthy and that's good. After all, we made all our films ourselves, with a small budget and a lot of passion. The result is definitely worth seeing.


Simply good

"Most things are best when they are simple," said Agatha Christie, the grande dame of crime fiction. This quote not only applies to good crime novels, but also to business.  


Coffee Lottery

Who likes a lottery? When choosing a course of study or a career, for example? When investing money? Or even... um... when choosing a partner? Exactly. But sometimes a lottery can be something really cool - like our Cembra Coffee Lottery. ☕


Music makes my world go round

Eleni Begeti came to Switzerland in 2021. Even back then, her backpack was already well filled with a lot of experience gained in different places around the world. The fact that she was able to gain a foothold so quickly in Switzerland, which is considered somewhat distant, also has to do with her team. And with the music.


Career plans

An apprenticeship at Cembra is your ideal springboard into professional life. And a good basis for making your professional dreams come true. Just like for Samer. 


Let's have a party

Team spirit makes the difference at Cembra, say many of our employees. But this does not come by chance, but needs to be well nurtured.


A great place to work

The Oscars for the most popular companies were presented in Zurich. Namely those from "Great Place to Work". Among them: a delegation from Cembra.


Good news on Friday

Is the fact that it's Friday not enough for you? No problem - with this format, our employees deliver the cherry on top, so to speak, and report weekly on exciting innovations in our house.


7 Questions for our "Mr. Certo!"

What does it take to launch a new credit card? Senior Marketing Specialist and "Mr. Certo!" Chris Moll explains here the project design and tells how much blood, sweat and tears such a project requires.


In the service of culture: Agent Dave

Our change agents are almost like James Bond; almost. Change agents embody our corporate culture and know how to engage our employees and take them on the exciting journey of change.


What we ask at the job interview

HR colleague Barbara tells you what she wonders about during job interviews. After several hundred job interviews, she knows what she's talking about - take a look and let yourself be inspired.


"It's a great company" - Interview with Ioana

We are international, multilingual and uncomplicated. Just like Ioana Corodan. We talked to our "Head of Special Projects Finance" and mother of two and asked her what makes Cembra a good employer for women.


5 Questions for our CEO Holger

Our CEO, Holger Laubenthal, aka Holger, started his international career with us 20 years ago. He has been "at home" again since spring 2021 and talks in this interview about his interests, experiences and where Cembra's journey is heading.

Truly different videos

We’re really different, and that means as an employer too. With this promise, we can’t simply shoot run-of-the-mill videos for our new career website. 


Special kind of video challenge.


Our idea:

·    We need six videos

·    We do everything ourselves

·    In front of the camera: Colleagues from all departments

·    Behind the camera: Colleagues from all departments

·    Equipment: Our smartphones

·    Time: one day


A rather bold plan. In other words, just the thing for us.


Mission accomplished. You can see the results here. 

Simply good

"Most things are best when they are simple," said Agatha Christie, the grande dame of crime fiction. This quote applies not only to good crime novels, but also to business.


Larger organisations tend to get complicated over time. They become increasingly self-absorbed, processes become more complicated and the density of regulations increases.  


Not even we are spared from this.   


We want to counteract this and become simpler and therefore more efficient. On the one hand, on a large scale, such as operational excellence, where we are simplifying our operating model and driving forward automation with a new technology landscape. But we are also focussing on measures on a smaller scale, in all areas of the bank.  


Simplifications help us to focus on the real priorities and work together better and more efficiently in line with our shared values.  We wouldn't be us if we didn't do simplification in a fun way. That's why we've launched a Simplification Challenge. With this initiative, we're making it easy to submit ideas - so no battle of forms, just submit your idea by email.  


We evaluate the proposals according to a transparent grid, e.g. realisation time, feasibility and savings potential. It goes without saying that all ideas have to be legally valid and contribute to our values.  


Of course, interesting rewards are also part of a challenge. These start with a CHF 50 voucher and can go up to several thousand francs. And because celebrating success in a team is (at least!) twice as much fun, we have even introduced team goals for simplification.  


Sometimes we also implement very small, unspectacular ideas for collaboration as part of our Simplification Challenge. Like the one from Sergio Maraffio, which contributes to our way of working together. We have retired our dress code and trust that we all know how to dress appropriately even without a reminder. Want to get a feel? Roll the film 🎬

Coffee Lottery

Who likes a lottery? When choosing a course of study or a career, for example? When investing money? Or even... um... when choosing a partner? Exactly.


A lottery is purely a matter of luck. And when it comes to certain topics, you'd like to have a say in where you want to go.


"Objection," says our culture specialist Marisa Ciani, "sometimes a lottery is absolutely desirable. For example, when getting to know new colleagues at work." "Because," says Marisa, "let's be honest, we're usually around the same people at work too. So we miss out on exciting and enriching personal and professional acquaintances." OK, agreed.


This is where our Cembra Coffee Lottery comes in. It's very simple: simply register and meet new colleagues for coffee - or lunch - at random. Sounds simple? It is.   


Alexandra & Aleksandra (yes, you read that right) recently took part in the Coffee Lottery. We asked them about it.

Music makes the world go round

Eleni Begeti came to Switzerland in 2021. Even back then, her rucksack was already well filled with a wealth of experience gained in various places around the world. The fact that she was able to gain a foothold so quickly in Switzerland, which is considered somewhat distant, also has to do with her team. And with the music.


Cembra is Eleni's first professional station in Switzerland. "And as far as I'm concerned, it will be my last," enthuses the native Cypriot. "I just feel really at home here."


Together with 16 colleagues, Eleni works as a test manager to ensure that IT-supported processes are streamlined, secure and customer-orientated. Sounds simple, but it's complex - the job challenges her. Her colleagues are the key to her settling in so quickly. Eleni's team is a colourful mix and very international. "We all get on really well. I've met cool people with exciting biographies at Cembra," she says. Colleagues at work quickly became friends. "We often go out and do things together. For example, I love the typical Swiss aperitif," smiles the 29-year-old. But barbecues on Werdinsel, bowling and karaoke once a month are also popular.


Which brings us to music. Music makes my world go round - the catchy tune by Basel's Lovebugs - sums up Eleni's passion for music quite well. Does she know it? Quite possibly, because she loves rock music. And loves to sing. Preferably timeless mega hits such as "Still loving you", the Scorpions' ultimate tearjerker. But she also loves less well-known songs, as long as the atmosphere is right and everyone has fun together.

Career plans

An apprenticeship at Cembra is your ideal springboard into professional life. And a good basis for making your professional dreams come true. Just like for Samer. 


The 19-year-old former apprentice is an impressive person. She came to Switzerland from Libya in 2014, integrated quickly and began a demanding commercial apprenticeship just 6 years later.


After apprenticeship 2023, the cheerful woman from Wädenswil stays with us and now takes care of time management in the Human Resources (HR) department.


Samer has a wide range of interests, likes music, reading and occasionally painting. She has also discovered photography.


She reveals her career plans in this short interview.


Throw yourself into professional life and meet casual people like Samer. Here you can find all the information about an apprenticeship at Cembra.

Let's have a party

Team spirit makes the difference at Cembra, say many of our employees. But this does not come by chance, but needs to be well nurtured.


Recently, we were once again named a "Geat Place to Work". One of the reasons for this wonderful confirmation of our attractiveness as an employer is certainly the wonderful team spirit at Cembra.


But how does this actually come about?


One of the reasons is certainly that we know how to celebrate. Our summer party, which many of our employees attended, is almost legendary. Instead of long words, we simply took out our camera and captured a few pictures of the atmosphere at Lakeside in Zurich. 😎


Do you want to join the party next year? That's a good plan. Click here for our vacancies.

A great place to work

The Oscars for the most popular companies were presented in Zurich. Okay, instead of a red carpet, there were red awards. Namely those from "Great Place to Work". Among them: a delegation from Cembra.


Being named a "Great Place to Work" makes us at least as proud as the celebrities in Hollywood. The stars are our employees. And they certified us again this year to be a particularly good employer.


Katja, our Head of Organisational and People Development, was present at the award ceremony. We asked her what makes Cembra a fine address for talents. 


Another highlight in the Cembra testimonial: "New employees are welcomed with open arms". Our tip: Check out for yourself whether this is the case. Click here for our vacancies.

Good news on Friday

We love what we do. As well, Friday is also the best day of the week for us as we anticipate the weekend. This is perfect moment simply to share some "good news."


Some people sometimes tend to see the glass half empty and not half full. Our Change Agents make efforts to turn this around. Change agents are employees who, in addition to their job, help to shape cultural change in everyday working life. They do this via formats such as "Good News on Friday".


These topics are simply great to know and contribute to our culture. They share positive topics in a relaxed way, for example, self-produced mobile phone videos. The ideas come from the employees; the Change Agents implement them. For example, we have our traditional World Cup sweepstakes. Or the introduction of our new Collaboration Room, first customer feedback on the new Certo! credit cards. Or ... have a look for yourself:

7 Questions for our "Mr. Certo!"

We really don’t like to show off, but we can’t help it this time. When it comes to credit cards, no one in Switzerland knows more than us. That’s why we’re a leading provider of financing solutions and services in Switzerland.


We asked ourselves:

"Can we make a credit card better and even more individual?" 


Our answer: 



We’ve poured our concentrated knowledge and a lot of new ideas into our new Certo! One Mastercard® World. You can read all about what the new card can do here. 


So much for the commercial. 


But what does it take to bring such a product to market? We met up with “Mr Certo!", Chris Moll, for a coffee. Chris is a Senior Marketing Specialist at Cembra and has been on board with us for 10 years.


Doing cool things with a cool team: That’s Cembra. 

In the service of culture: Agent Dave

Our Change Agents are not on his Majesty’s Secret Service, nor do they have a double 0 – but they do have the licence to foster and support cultural change. And for filming as well as for other impactful engagements.


In his "real" professional life, Dave works in HR. But like almost 40 other colleagues, he has an additional mission: he is a


Change Agent at Cembra.


Change Agents are colleagues from all areas and hierarchical levels. They help to make our values tangible to daily business, listen closely within the teams, are curious, and develop cool "culture hacks." One such hack, i.e. a simple and everyday tool, is our "Compliments to go." 


Change Agents establish new formats that help us to become a learning organisation, drive common issues, actively engage in discussion, and revolutionise internal communication.


Simply put, Change Agents embody our corporate culture and work to inspire other employees on an exciting journey of change.


Dave tells us here in person what it’s all about. His boss also says a few words. Of course, she’s M, like James Bond’s boss – specifically: Marisa. 


By the way, Eggy made this video. She’s also a Change Agent that, like everyone else, has benefited from her training as a smartphone video producer. One of the tasks of a Change Agent is to implement topics that promote cultural change in a communicative way. Typical Cembra: Simply trying out new ways.

What we ask at the job interview

She usually asks the questions, and today we’re turning the tables. We asked our colleague Barbara from HR what she wants to find out during job interviews. She has done hundreds of such interviews in the course of her HR career. 


Here are her answers to our questions.

"It's a great company" - Interview with Ioana

Born in Romania, our colleague is also representative of what makes us tick: international, multilingual, and uncomplicated. 


In 2006, Ioana joined us as a pricing analyst. She’s been leading the Financial Planning & Analysis team since 2019 and took on the new role of Head of Special Projects Finance as of March 2023. We asked the mother of two what makes Cembra a good employer for women. 



We believe that we’re successful when we are diverse across all company levels. That’s why we actively create an environment that supports both women and men with balancing family and career. 


Programmes such as "Meet the Leader", our lecture series and supporting events such as the "Pink Ribbon Charity Walk".


As a founding member of Advance, the leading business association for gender equality in Switzerland, we offer women in management positions targeted networking and continuing education opportunities.


Part-time work, even in management positions, is normal here. And with the option to work up to 60% from home, you have even more flexibility.


We also thrown in some more things: Up to six months maternity leave, for example. Or the child allowance, which we top up to 3,000 francs a year.


“We pay fair.” This is not only what we say, but also what the University of St.Gallen (HSG) says. And we’re one of only 11 Swiss companies to be featured in the "Bloomberg Gender Equality Index". 


5 Questions for our CEO Holger

A somewhat different bank naturally also has a somewhat different CEO. Ours is Holger Laubenthal, although for all of us, he is simply Holger. And no, he didn’t take off his tie for the video. He’s always like this. Well: Almost always; typically Cembra. 


After a few years with an automotive manufacturer and studying in the USA, Holger then started his international career 20 years ago with... us.

He was responsible for branch sales for three years and then moved to General Electric, our parent company at the time. This was followed by various management positions around the world. 


Since spring 2021, he’s been back home, so to speak. We talked to him about his and Cembra’s journey.


Together, you & us


Would you like to enrich our team? And can you identify with our values and style? Let our team tell you what is important to us and what makes us different.

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Curious? Or do you have an idea we should know about?


Tell us about it and inspire us, we look forward to your thoughts.